Friday 30 December 2016

I.O.T (Internet Of Things) - Simple Explanation

   Any thing that can be Connected will be ɔonnected  - Modified     
  'Murphy's Law '

 Internet Of Things (I.O.T)  is currently the Hot topic because most of the people are connected through Internet and they are exchanging information faster than anything from one corner to the other corner of the Planet.
Okay . . then you may ask what the heck is Internet Of Things(I.O.T) hm . .hold On i'll Explain you in a better way that you understand.

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 Internet Of Things (I.O.T) :

The concept is very simple  . . It is just the inter connection of different devices via internet.This includes anything and everything  like cell phones,T.V sets,smart watches,cars,bikes,coffee makers,lamps,air conditioners and many more. 
The analyst firm Gartner says that by 2020 there will be over 26 billion  devices connected or some even estimate this number to be much higher, over 100 billion.
Finally the basic idea is : as for now only people->people are connected through internet but in future

people->people & people->things & things->things will be connected.
So IoT is a mammoth internetwork of Connected Devices which also includes people in it.

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When Did All This Start ?

The term "Internet of Things" was coined by Peter T. Lewis in a 1985 speech given at a U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) supported wireless session at the Congressional Black Caucus 15th Legislative Weekend Conference. In his speech he states that "The Internet of Things, or IoT, is the integration of people, processes and technology with connectable devices and sensors to enable remote monitoring, status, manipulation and evaluation of trends of such devices."
The concept of the Internet of things became popular in 1999, through the Auto-ID Center at MIT and related market-analysis publications.Radio-frequency identification (RFID) was seen by Kevin Ashton (one of the founders of the original Auto-ID Center) as a prerequisite for the Internet of things at that point. Ashton prefers the phrase "Internet for Things." If all objects and people in daily life were equipped with identifiers, computers could manage and inventory them.

How Does This Effect You ?

If your alarm wakes you up at 5'0 clock and notifies your coffee maker to start brewing coffee for you.   
Lets imagine that you are on the way to an Important meeting and got struck in a jam then if your car could have the access to IoT then it will take you in the best route and also might send a text to the other party notifying them that you will be late.
If your office equipment is connected then it will automatically re-order the stuff that is running low.There are many more ways in which the connected devices may help you out.

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We divide the architecture of IOT system into four layers :  

1. Application Service Layer
2. Information Integration Layer
3. Data Exchange Layer
4. Object Sensing Layer

·     Objectives of IoT :

 More Intensive Information Perception 

 More Comprehensive Intelligent Service

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 I.o.T can be Applied in :

1. Environmental monitoring
2. Infrastructure management
3. Manufacturing
4. Energy management
5. Medical and healthcare
6. Building and home automation
7. Transportation

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The applications of IoT have been further extended to various areas in order to manage peoples production and living more dynamically, accurately and improve the relationship between human and environment.

Watch this 2 min video on IoT and you can really understand every thing about it.
Video Source:Youtube         

                              - sandeep simeon


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  2. I think, It is the best explanation of IoT. Thanks for making the Internet of Things explanation so simple and understanding.

  3. Very informative article.The Internet of Things (IoT) industry is the next wave of internet technologies. IoT will fundamentally change how business and manufacturing will be done worldwide. It’s continues to spread across the home and the enterprise, it’s changing how we live and work every day.for more info: Pridesys IT Ltd

  4. Now a days, The Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming an interesting topic of the conversation. Your blog is very informative and helps us to know more about IT trends.


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